Brewery No 2 font image

Brewery No 2

About "Brewery No 2"

Brewery No 2, a font family with 28 styles, was crafted by Gustavs Andrejs Grinbergs and made available through Linotype.

Learn more about this family.

Brewery No 2 font in use

폰트 패밀리

Brewery No 2 폰트 패밀리

    알 수 없음


Brewery No 2
  • Gustavs Andrejs Grinbergs


Linotype 파운드리

Linotype, which has been in operation for over a century, has a professionally managed font library that includes popular fonts like Helvetica, Neue Helvetica®, Linotype Didot™, Janson® Text, New Century Schoolbook®, and more. It is renowned for its production, marketing, and licensing of high-quality fonts. Over the years, their successful strategies have expanded in response to advancements in technology. As fonts are pivotal for all forms of visual communication, Linotype collaborates with designers and typographers to encourage global knowledge sharing and open dialogue. Monotype currently owns the Linotype font library.


Jan 01, 1970



※ 아래 라이센스 표는 참고용입니다.

폰트 제작사의 규정에 따라 사용범위의 변동이 있을 수 있으므로 정확한 사용범위는 폰트 제작사에 확인하시기 바랍니다.

  • Webfont: Use for your single domain website. Can't be shared across multiple sites. Each webfont kit loaded page counts as a single pageview for each webfont. Graphic images use on the site, might require a Desktop license. MyFonts offer three types of webfont licenses: Annual, Pay Once, and Pay As You Go. Brewery No 2 WebFont EULA

  • App: Embed font in mobile applications such as iOS, Android, or Windows Phone. Brewery No 2 App EULA

  • Electronic Doc: Embed in e-Text products like eBooks, eMagazines, eNewspapers, or interactive PDFs. License based on the number of times the font is used in publications. Each new versions of publications that charge customers need a new license. Brewery No 2 Electronic Doc EULA

  • Digital Ad/Email: Embed font in digital ads and HTML5 built ads. Digital Ads EULA allows usage on ad networks and has usage terms different from a Webfont license. Digital Ad license price reflects patterns of use. Brewery No 2 Digital Ad/Email EULA

  • Desktop: Use in desktop workstation applications such as Microsoft Word, Mac Pages, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Photoshop, etc. Desktop licenses based on the number of font users. Review Desktop license agreement for possible restrictions. Brewery No 2 Desktop EULA

Scope of UsePermission
Single Domain websiteX
Embedding in mobile applicationsX
Embedding in e-text productsX
Embedding in HTML5 adsX
Use on a desktop workstationX


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