Valnera SemiRandom

Valnera SemiRandom

About "Valnera SemiRandom"

Valnera is a low-contrast humanist serif typeface of a distinctly angular design which works well at display and text sizes.

Valnera comes in eight weights with matching italics and the headline font Valnera Monster.

It has open counters and flat horizontal curves.

Its simil-slab serifs are strong and its horizontal terminals show the influence of a broad pen.

Connections between stems and arches are very sharp.

Cuts at crotches are also sharp and work like ink traps.

The angular appearance produces a somewhat interrupted construction of counters of some round letters too – reminiscent of Dwiggins’s m-formula.

While suggesting spiky Alpine landscapes Valnera evokes the calligraphic appeal of Oldřich Menhart’s typefaces.

It also expresses in a very contemporary way that kind of 1970s photocomposition feeling typical of two iconic faces: Cartier (1967) and ITC Mendoza (1991).

First designed in 2010-2011, Valnera was reviewed, updated and completed in collaboration with CAST.

A random version, Valnera Random, has been developed in order to obtain a greater variety of text images.

Valnera SemiRandom font in use

폰트 패밀리

Valnera SemiRandom 폰트 패밀리

  • Valnera SemiRandom 01 ExtraLight
    01 ExtraLight

    Valnera SemiRandom 01 ExtraLight 01 ExtraLight

  • Valnera SemiRandom 02 ExtraLight Italic
    02 ExtraLight Italic

    Valnera SemiRandom 02 ExtraLight Italic 02 ExtraLight Italic

  • Valnera SemiRandom 03 Light
    03 Light

    Valnera SemiRandom 03 Light 03 Light

  • Valnera SemiRandom 04 Light Italic
    04 Light Italic

    Valnera SemiRandom 04 Light Italic 04 Light Italic

  • Valnera SemiRandom 05 Regular
    05 Regular

    Valnera SemiRandom 05 Regular 05 Regular

  • Valnera SemiRandom 06 Regular Italic
    06 Regular Italic

    Valnera SemiRandom 06 Regular Italic 06 Regular Italic

  • Valnera SemiRandom 07 Medium
    07 Medium

    Valnera SemiRandom 07 Medium 07 Medium

  • Valnera SemiRandom 08 Medium Italic
    08 Medium Italic

    Valnera SemiRandom 08 Medium Italic 08 Medium Italic

  • Valnera SemiRandom 09 SemiBold
    09 SemiBold

    Valnera SemiRandom 09 SemiBold 09 SemiBold

  • Valnera SemiRandom 10 SemiBold Italic
    10 SemiBold Italic

    Valnera SemiRandom 10 SemiBold Italic 10 SemiBold Italic

  • Valnera SemiRandom 11 Bold
    11 Bold

    Valnera SemiRandom 11 Bold 11 Bold

  • Valnera SemiRandom 12 Bold Italic
    12 Bold Italic

    Valnera SemiRandom 12 Bold Italic 12 Bold Italic

  • Valnera SemiRandom 13 ExtraBold
    13 ExtraBold

    Valnera SemiRandom 13 ExtraBold 13 ExtraBold

  • Valnera SemiRandom 14 ExtraBold Italic
    14 ExtraBold Italic

    Valnera SemiRandom 14 ExtraBold Italic 14 ExtraBold Italic

  • Valnera SemiRandom 15 Black
    15 Black

    Valnera SemiRandom 15 Black 15 Black

  • Valnera SemiRandom 16 Black Italic
    16 Black Italic

    Valnera SemiRandom 16 Black Italic 16 Black Italic


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CAST 파운드리


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오프라인 도서, 잡지 및 정기간행물, 브로슈어, 카달로그, 달력, 신문광고, 잡지광고, 오프라인 지면 광고, 제품 패키지 등 모든 범위X
웹페이지 디자인, 웹페이지 내 배너광고, 이메일, 웹툰, 사내 사보, E-카탈로그, 전자 브로슈어, 뉴스레터, 웹디자인 이미지 등 모든 범위X
유튜브, CF, 상업영화, 뮤직비디오 등 모든 동영상X
단체 내부 문서, 사내 배포용 프리젠테이션, 증서, 원서, 신고서, 무료 배포 공문 서식 등 모든 문서X
사명, 브랜드명, 상품명, 로고, 마크, 슬로건, 캐치프레이즈 등 모든 범위X
유·무선 동영상 강좌, 서적, 전자브로슈어, 웹진 등 모든 범위X
게임 UI, 앱 UI, 소프트웨어 UI 등 모든 범위X
도장, 마우스패드, 머그컵, 수표, 신용카드, 벽지, 타일, 버티컬, 의류, 3D프린터를 통해 폰트가 이용된 제작물 등 모든 범위X
옥외간판, 현수막 등 모든 범위X
그 외 모든 사용처X


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