ABC Laica B font image

ABC Laica B

About "ABC Laica B"

Laica’s unprecedented style and rhythm is a result of cruel methodology: the forced collaboration between two common but very different tools, the broad nib and the pointed nib pen.

Early stages of Laica were frivolously sketched by hand in spare time and lounging in uncomfortable places between Rome and The Hague.

Using poor if not entirely unsuitable surfaces such as receipts, boarding passes or envelopes proved to be challenging to the pointed nib in particular.

Laica’s reviewers and co-chiselers at the Type][Media course at the Royal Academy in The Hague included some of the finest typeface designers out there, such as Tobias Frere-Jones, Lucas de Groot and Fred Smeijers.

Under their guidance, which he largely ignored but much appreciated, Alessio hustled hard to keep Laica – its early sketches now digitised – awkward yet suitable for long and small texts.

The resulting patchwork of shapes may hurt the traditionalist’s eye but will certainly please the conscious, open mind.

In 2017, after graduating from Type][Media, Alessio could not only officially call himself a “master of type” but Laica immediately won him two awards: the Type Director’s Club New York and the Bronze Medal at the European Design Awards.

Later on, Laica was expanded and developed further under the Milanese sky, with the helps of Franziska Weitgruber.

Well done! The end of this story is what we’re releasing at Dinamo: two versions, Laica A and B.

Laica A sports chiseled transitions that guarantee good rhythm and balance from small-sized text use to eye-catching billboard applications.

Laica B has straight transitions at its joints and therefore an overall more simplified, elegant tone.

Both families come in Regular, Medium, Bold weights and corresponding Italics.

ABC Laica B font in use

폰트 패밀리

ABC Laica B 폰트 패밀리

  • ABC Laica B Bold

    ABC Laica B Bold Bold

  • ABC Laica B Bold Italic
    Bold Italic

    ABC Laica B Bold Italic Bold Italic

  • ABC Laica B Italic

    ABC Laica B Italic Italic

  • ABC Laica B Medium

    ABC Laica B Medium Medium

  • ABC Laica B Medium Italic
    Medium Italic

    ABC Laica B Medium Italic Medium Italic

  • ABC Laica B Regular

    ABC Laica B Regular Regular


ABC Laica B
  • Franziska Weitgruber

  • Franziska Weitgruber

  • AlessioD’Ellena

  • AlessioD’Ellena


Dinamo 파운드리


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※ 아래 라이센스 표는 참고용입니다.

폰트 제작사의 규정에 따라 사용범위의 변동이 있을 수 있으므로 정확한 사용범위는 폰트 제작사에 확인하시기 바랍니다.

오프라인 도서, 잡지 및 정기간행물, 브로슈어, 카달로그, 달력, 신문광고, 잡지광고, 오프라인 지면 광고, 제품 패키지 등 모든 범위X
웹페이지 디자인, 웹페이지 내 배너광고, 이메일, 웹툰, 사내 사보, E-카탈로그, 전자 브로슈어, 뉴스레터, 웹디자인 이미지 등 모든 범위X
유튜브, CF, 상업영화, 뮤직비디오 등 모든 동영상X
단체 내부 문서, 사내 배포용 프리젠테이션, 증서, 원서, 신고서, 무료 배포 공문 서식 등 모든 문서X
사명, 브랜드명, 상품명, 로고, 마크, 슬로건, 캐치프레이즈 등 모든 범위X
유·무선 동영상 강좌, 서적, 전자브로슈어, 웹진 등 모든 범위X
게임 UI, 앱 UI, 소프트웨어 UI 등 모든 범위X
도장, 마우스패드, 머그컵, 수표, 신용카드, 벽지, 타일, 버티컬, 의류, 3D프린터를 통해 폰트가 이용된 제작물 등 모든 범위X
옥외간판, 현수막 등 모든 범위X
그 외 모든 사용처X


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