Kanji OC Font Family was designed by Natsuko Hayashida and published by Okaycat.
Kanji OC contains 1 styles.
More about this family.
Natsuko Hayashida
Okaycat is a software design company that was established in 2006 in Japan, but is now based in Vancouver, B.C., Canada. They develop a range of digital products including fonts, games and more. They believe in revolutionizing the world of fonts through innovative design. Their goal is to add beauty to daily communications through their refreshing letter styles.
※ Following licensing information is for reference only.
Please confirm the exact usage with the font owner(foundry or publisher).
Desktop: for use on a desktop workstation. For the most common uses, both personal and professional, for use in desktop applications with a font menu. For example: Install the font on your Mac OS X or Windows system. Use the font within desktop applications such as Microsoft Word, Mac Pages, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Photoshop, etc. Create and print documents, as well as static images (.jpeg, .tiff, .png). Desktop licenses are based on the number of users of the fonts. Some restrictions may apply—such as use in logos/trademarks, geographic restrictions (number of locations), and products that will be sold.
App: for embedding in mobile applications. Select this license type when you are developing an app for iOS, Android, or Windows Phone, and you will be embedding the font file in your mobile application's code.
Digital Ad/Email: for use in HTML5 ads. You can use this type of license to embed fonts into digital ads, such as ads built using HTML5. Prices reflect this, making it much less expensive to use a Digital Ad license.
Webfont: for your website. Webfonts can be used on a single domain. Agencies responsible for multiple websites, for example web design agencies or hosting providers, may not share a single webfont license across multiple websites.
Electronic Doc: for embedding in e-text products. You can use an Electronic Doc license to embed the font in an electronic publication such as an eBook, eMagazine, eNewspaper, or interactive PDF.
Category | Scope of Use | Permission |
Desktop | for use on a desktop workstation | X |
App | embedding in mobile applications | X |
Digital Ad/Email | use in HTML5 ads | X |
Webfont | for your website | X |
Electronic Doc | embedding in e-text products | X |