TBCGothic Std

TBCGothic Std

About "TBCGothic Std"

'TB Caligra Gothic' is a Calligraphy style Gothic.

The angular structure met with the slender Gothic elements to create a soft and elegant feeling.

The design of this typeface focuses on sorting neatly by keeping the counter of each letter in a natural shape.

If the basic square typeface is too hard, or if the typical Gothic or masterpiece is too boring, choose this typeface.

It goes well when dealing with comfortable contents such as lifestyle magazines and fairy tales.

TBCGothic Std font in use

Font family

TBCGothic Std Font family

  • TBCGothic Std E

    TBCGothic Std E E

  • TBCGothic Std R

    TBCGothic Std R R

  • TBCGothic Std U

    TBCGothic Std U U


TBCGothic Std
  • Type Bank


Morisawa, Foundry

Date released




※ Following licensing information is for reference only.

Please confirm the exact usage with the font owner(foundry or publisher).

Scope of UsePermission
Offline books, magazines, periodicals, brochures, catalogs, calendars, newspaper ads, magazine ads, offline print ads, product packaging, etc. all rangesX
Web page design, banner ads on web pages, email, webtoons, in-house newsletters, e-catalogs, electronic brochures, newsletters, web design images, etc. all rangesX
YouTube, commercials, commercial films, music videos, etc. all videosX
Internal documents within the organization, presentations for internal distribution, certificates, manuscripts, reports, free distribution official document formats, etc. all documentsX
Name, brand name, product name, logo, mark, slogan, catchphrase, etc. all rangesX
Wireless and wired video courses, books, electronic brochures, webzines, etc. all rangesX
Game UI, app UI, software UI, etc. all rangesX
Stamps, mouse pads, mugs, checks, credit cards, wallpaper, tiles, verticals, clothing, items produced using fonts through 3D printing, etc. all rangesX
Outdoor signs, banners, etc. all rangesX
All other usesX


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Other info


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