Sandoll Smiley Sans

Sandoll Smiley Sans

About "Sandoll Smiley Sans"

Sandol Smiles Sans is a font family for display designed to be full of sleep.

It is named Smiley Sansu because of its characteristic self -composition such as a smile resembling a smile.

With a straight stroke and a small stroke preparation, it makes a clear and cool impression in any environment.

In addition to Hangul, Latin and numbers are also set as a consistent width so that it can be similar to the neat impression of Hangul.

In addition, the angle of the upper stroke such as V, W, Y, etc.

and the end of A, etc.

added an angle to add a playful feeling.

With Smiley Sans, Smiley ☺ p.


Find the hidden ☺ Mark.

Sandoll Smiley Sans font in use

Font family

Sandoll Smiley Sans Font family

  • Sandoll Smiley Sans 01 Lt
    01 Lt

    Sandoll Smiley Sans 01 Lt 01 Lt

  • Sandoll Smiley Sans 02 Sb
    02 Sb

    Sandoll Smiley Sans 02 Sb 02 Sb

  • Sandoll Smiley Sans 03 Hv
    03 Hv

    Sandoll Smiley Sans 03 Hv 03 Hv


Sandoll Smiley Sans
  • Seulgi Kim

  • Park Joo -sung

  • Park Jin -hyun


Sandoll, Foundry

Date released




※ Following licensing information is for reference only.

Please confirm the exact usage with the font owner(foundry or publisher).

Scope of UsePermission
Offline books, magazines, periodicals, brochures, catalogs, calendars, newspaper ads, magazine ads, offline print ads, product packaging, etc. all rangesX
Web page design, banner ads on web pages, email, webtoons, in-house newsletters, e-catalogs, electronic brochures, newsletters, web design images, etc. all rangesX
YouTube, commercials, commercial films, music videos, etc. all videosX
Internal documents within the organization, presentations for internal distribution, certificates, manuscripts, reports, free distribution official document formats, etc. all documentsX
Name, brand name, product name, logo, mark, slogan, catchphrase, etc. all rangesX
Wireless and wired video courses, books, electronic brochures, webzines, etc. all rangesX
Game UI, app UI, software UI, etc. all rangesX
Stamps, mouse pads, mugs, checks, credit cards, wallpaper, tiles, verticals, clothing, items produced using fonts through 3D printing, etc. all rangesX
Outdoor signs, banners, etc. all rangesX
All other usesX


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Other info


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