

About "KoPubWorldDotum"

Unlike prints such as books and newspapers, e -books can only be seen on a digital screen, so you need a specialized typeface.

In response, the Korea Publishers Conference distributed the 'KOPUB typeface' in 2011 for the purpose of strengthening the production of electronic publishing contents and revitalizing the e -book market.

'KOPUB typeface' has been as readable as printing on the digital screen, and has become the best typeface in the name of the world used in various industries such as IT, movies, and advertising designs as well as publishing worlds.

In 2019, 'KOPUB Font' is reborn as 'KOPUB World Font'.

'KOPUB WORLD typeface' includes various languages such as expanded kanji, Japanese, Latin, Russian, Hebrew, Arabia, and Sanskrit, along with the old Hangul that has not been implemented.

KoPubWorldDotum font in use

Font family

KoPubWorldDotum Font family

  • KoPubWorldDotum 01 Light
    01 Light

    KoPubWorldDotum 01 Light 01 Light

  • KoPubWorldDotum 02 Medium
    02 Medium

    KoPubWorldDotum 02 Medium 02 Medium

  • KoPubWorldDotum 03 Bold Italic
    03 Bold Italic

    KoPubWorldDotum 03 Bold Italic 03 Bold Italic




FREE, Foundry

Date released




※ Following licensing information is for reference only.

Please confirm the exact usage with the font owner(foundry or publisher).

Scope of UsePermission
Offline books, magazines, periodicals, brochures, catalogs, calendars, newspaper ads, magazine ads, offline print ads, product packaging, etc. all rangesO
Web page design, banner ads on web pages, email, webtoons, in-house newsletters, e-catalogs, electronic brochures, newsletters, web design images, etc. all rangesO
YouTube, commercials, commercial films, music videos, etc. all videosO
Internal documents within the organization, presentations for internal distribution, certificates, manuscripts, reports, free distribution official document formats, etc. all documentsO
Name, brand name, product name, logo, mark, slogan, catchphrase, etc. all rangesO
Wireless and wired video courses, books, electronic brochures, webzines, etc. all rangesO
Game UI, app UI, software UI, etc. all rangesO
Stamps, mouse pads, mugs, checks, credit cards, wallpaper, tiles, verticals, clothing, items produced using fonts through 3D printing, etc. all rangesO
Outdoor signs, banners, etc. all rangesO
All other usesO


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Other info


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