Cardinal Classic Long font image

Cardinal Classic Long

About "Cardinal Classic Long"

Synthetic organisms look human, yet are made of artificial materials.

Cardinal is the equivalent of the androïd characters called “synthetics”, which were developed in the movie series Alien.

Synthetics entertain a close relationship with the living world, and have a troubling resemblance with the models they imitate — humans.

Androïds do not emit heat, smell or pheromones, and their synthetic origin is thus hard to detect.

Cardinal is an exploration of that idea in type design.

It navigates between the organicity of classic text typefaces and the plasticity of contemporary digital type.

It has some traits of designs by Garamont and Granjon, but bears its own dryness and rigidity.

Reminiscent of an era of “old digital typefaces”, Cardinal evokes the early computing days.

Synthetics do not die, they are just sometimes deactivated.

The Cardinal system is developed in three distinct directions.

First, the core styles are Cardinal Classic Short, Mid and Long, which have three x-heights that can be adjusted depending on body copy point size and line length.

We recommend using Cardinal Classic Long for titles and subheads or brief paragraphs of text.

Cardinal Classic Mid fits standard body text sizes, and Cardinal Classic Short works well at small sizes.

Second, Cardinal Fruit is a very specific flavour of condensed, recalling early computer advertisements.

Its Italics are particularly sharp and will convey a sense of liveliness and accuracy.

Last, Cardinal Photo has much more stroke contrast, a tight-but-not-touching spacing and a rather big x-height, making it a good companion to photographs when set at display sizes.

Cardinal Classic Long font in use

Font family

Cardinal Classic Long Font family

  • Cardinal Classic Long Bold

    Cardinal Classic Long Bold Bold

  • Cardinal Classic Long Bold Italic
    Bold Italic

    Cardinal Classic Long Bold Italic Bold Italic

  • Cardinal Classic Long Italic

    Cardinal Classic Long Italic Italic

  • Cardinal Classic Long Medium

    Cardinal Classic Long Medium Medium

  • Cardinal Classic Long Medium Italic
    Medium Italic

    Cardinal Classic Long Medium Italic Medium Italic

  • Cardinal Classic Long Regular

    Cardinal Classic Long Regular Regular

  • Cardinal Classic Long SemiBold

    Cardinal Classic Long SemiBold Semibold

  • Cardinal Classic Long SemiBold Italic
    Semiboli Italics

    Cardinal Classic Long SemiBold Italic Semiboli Italics


Cardinal Classic Long
  • Jean-BaptisteLévée


ProductionType, Foundry

Date released




※ Following licensing information is for reference only.

Please confirm the exact usage with the font owner(foundry or publisher).

Scope of UsePermission
Offline books, magazines, periodicals, brochures, catalogs, calendars, newspaper ads, magazine ads, offline print ads, product packaging, etc. all rangesX
Web page design, banner ads on web pages, email, webtoons, in-house newsletters, e-catalogs, electronic brochures, newsletters, web design images, etc. all rangesX
YouTube, commercials, commercial films, music videos, etc. all videosX
Internal documents within the organization, presentations for internal distribution, certificates, manuscripts, reports, free distribution official document formats, etc. all documentsX
Name, brand name, product name, logo, mark, slogan, catchphrase, etc. all rangesX
Wireless and wired video courses, books, electronic brochures, webzines, etc. all rangesX
Game UI, app UI, software UI, etc. all rangesX
Stamps, mouse pads, mugs, checks, credit cards, wallpaper, tiles, verticals, clothing, items produced using fonts through 3D printing, etc. all rangesX
Outdoor signs, banners, etc. all rangesX
All other usesX


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